Hi, I’m thrilled to see you on my blog. My name is Elena, I live in Greece, and I was born in the Czech Republic. I love nutrition, research, and fitness. I hope we share the same love for life and wellness — the benefits of what we can accomplish when we are healthy and know what we eat.
Our bodies are machines that help us move through our life. If we don’t respect them, they won’t serve us anymore.
Having a healthy body can make a big difference in our psychology.
I have struggled many years with weight control. It frustrated me when I kept following diets that led to nowhere. Failing time after time, it just made me feel worthless.
Keeping the weight off for some months can’t be considered a success because, in the end, I ended up falling back to the usual eating pattern. I know many of you experience the same problem, and there is no magic solution to this. (If you know a magic trick to lose weight, please share it with the rest of us)

Learning to control your weight isn’t about how you look. When you start to control your cravings for junk food, understand what you eat and exercise you test and go beyond your limits. That is a valuable lesson that can you can apply to every aspect of your life. You have the power in your hands to not only change your life but the world around you.